: Kill the Squirrels
Kill the Squirrels
Yes! Death to these squirrelly rodents. You… you…. you… squirrels, you.
What, you ask, has brought on these murderous thoughts? Well it’s. . . . HEY YOU! SQUIRREL! STOP CRAPPING ALL OVER MY DECK! AND GET OFF MY LAWN! Sorry, I just got distracted there. Where was I? Oh yes. Kill the squirrels.
The problem stems from the fact that we live in a squirrel theme park here in suburban Montclair. We have plenty of trees, squirrel food, and water – and there are no predators. Every once in a while a red tailed hawk comes through and snatches one, but that’s a rare event.
Now if only these pesky, nut eating midgets would just stop depositing their nasty rodent droppings on our deck and stop leaving half eaten acorns strewn across the deck and backyard, I guess I could declare a truce. But there’s no reasoning with them.
Am I over-reacting? I think not. In 1918, the good citizens of the great state of California had the right idea. They declared a war on squirrels, and in the front line of this war they drafted children. Yes, you heard me correctly. California declared a children’s crusade against squirrels.
A most excellent idea, I think. I’ve included the original war poster at the bottom. You can check out the full details here: http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/in-1918-california-drafted-children-into-a-war-on-squirrels
And while we’re at it? Go ahead and Kill Da Wabbit. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1atzuy_what-s-opera-doc_shortfilms.
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Jan 20th, Friday, 8:00PM-10:30ish – Shuffle, Jump, and Moan at Hat City, 459 Valley Street, City of Orange, NJ 07050 (862) 252-9147
The first show of the new year for Shuffle, Jump, and Moan. They’re calling for rain this Friday, but it will be dry and warm inside. I believe there’s a cover charge of $10 – but you can call ahead to double check. You can leave your hat on.
Feb 4th, Saturday, 7:30PM-9:30 – New Music for Voices and Strings, National Opera Center, 330 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001
This is the second concert of the season for the Composer’s Collective – an organization dedicated to helping composers of new classical music. This concert will include the first public performance of a string quartet I’ve been working on (well, the first movement) – along with a bunch of other strange and interesting pieces for either string quartet or choral group. Tickets are $10 each. Besides the actual performances, you get to mingle with the composers and players after the show and munch on cheese & crackers and sip wine. The venue is in midtown Manhattan – only a few blocks from Penn Station – but is on the small side, so if you are thinking of going I recommend you order tickets ahead of time using the link just below. Tickets are available at the door as well.
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And as promised here’s the official “Kill The Squirrels” poster. Notice the “Hotel California” reference?